Saturday, November 7, 2009


On Halloween our running club, Shadowchase hosted a fun run to benefit the Teens Run Modesto.
It was at East LaLoma park and they offered a 5k and 10K. It was a "no frills" event.
Roos and Dino

ran the 5K. Roos pretty much ran most of it and finished in 35 minutes. He's s l o w l y starting to run (although he says he doesn't "get it").
Anita and Kiwi

ran the 10k.
I ran the 10K also

It was a great event and raised $1700 for the Teens Run Modesto program.
Here is Connor at his school parade.

He is a combo of a mad scientist, zombie and old man????

Hope your Halloween was spooky...

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